About Us

We are the brains behind IOT & solar pv based security fence system for agriculture field utility infrastructure.

Currently we have ready buyers both within Odisha and outside Odisha. The buyers have shown lot of interest in our product and their response is very encouraging. We are proposing to operate at 50% of the installed capacity during the 1st year of operation in the year 20221-22 and increase it to 60% & 70% in the second and third year onwards respectively on a conservative estimation basis. However, the demand within India only is 100 times more than our install capacity. So, a vary vast market is available for the product and the growth of the products and services in Agriculture and Horticulture sector. We also provide end to end support service to our clients for their economic growth. We provide agriculture information support, input support, market linkage support etc. to our client.


Excellent Service


IoT for Service


Quality And Reliability


Customer Satisfaction


Creating a social impact


We believe in humanity.


For any query please contact:+91700838882